Monday, January 14, 2008

Cole already two months

Well, two months have gone by... I can't believe it. We have thoroughly enjoyed having this little guy around. He's had many "firsts", and it has been really fun introducing him to things and learning his personality. He went to the doctor on Friday and weighed in at 12lbs. 3 oz. He is 23" long. He is developing very well, and is about average in all areas. He had his first vaccinations and was a champ. He only cried for a couple of minutes -- which broke mom's heart, but with a cuddle, he quieted right down. He drinks 6oz. every 4 hours and boy does he love his milk!!! He is now sleeping through the night -- and I can say I value my sleep more than any other time in my life. Zoey loves her little brother. She loves to lay by him on his blankets and tries to sneak in a kiss or two when we aren't close enough to catch her! He loves his baths and likes to splash viciously. He had his first laugh on the 12th of Jan. with Dad. He thought Brady was so funny when he was clapping his hands.


missy d said...

He is such a sweet baby!
Love you guys!!!

missy d said...


Cherice said...

What a cutie!!!! Love and miss you!!!

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